
Friday, August 26, 2011

Past Life Dreams - Part 1


There was a time when, within a few months time, I would have dreams set in another era. It was as if I was given a jigsaw puzzle for each life and it was up to me to put all the pieces together into the correct puzzle/lifetime.

I cannot say with 100% certainty that all these dreams were PL related, but I do believe it's a possibility since they felt so real and weren't filled with mixed ramblings that made no sense. (Most of my dreams are either mundane or comprised of incoherent nonsense). The following dreams forced me to stop being so close-minded about reincarnation. (And believe me, I was very close-minded). They caught my attention since they were so different from my usual lackluster nocturnal ramblings. A few of them even helped shed some light on a spirit (Patrick) I saw when just a child.

That being said.... I am still skeptical of my experiences. But I am an OPEN-MINDED skeptic! I think that to learn the truth you have to be open to ALL possibilities, which includes a healthy dose of skepticism.




This dream was like seeing an oil painting of a scene set in Roman times. It was seeing a flight of gigantic stone steps leading very high toward the ceiling. At the top of these steps was a man slapping a whip. He wore white and was very evil. Below him were hundreds of white slaves; all male. You could see that torchlight was lighting the inside of this cave. Or could this have possibly been a pyramid?




I’ve had only about 3 or 4 waking visions in my life, which is surprising. They just came so out-of-the-blue. I wasn’t even really into the paranormal when I had my first vision, and I certainly didn’t believe in past lives.

My dreams (Patrick-related especially) set in the Renaissance can be found at my Patrick websites.

Lady Inside A Castle...


This dream isn’t on my Patrick websites, so I’ll type it up here. This was another ‘painting’ dream, as most of my Renaissance dreams are. It was a painting type picture/scene of a lady combing her straight brown, long hair in her room. To her left was a brown stone wall with an open window. There was no glass in this window. It was just an opening. I also think she was wearing a white gown, which had no sleeves. That was the entire dream. Just watching a lady performing a simple everyday task.

House inside a hill


While watching "Tristan & Isolde," I realized that there's another dream that I had a couple months back. I now think I should have written it down back then.

The feel of the dream was very happy. I was inside some pitch black dark place… so dark you couldn't see a thing… then lifted this flap which led to the outside. This flap was in fact the door, and I think it was the hide of an animal.

I look around and I’m facing very green hills scattered with people and children running about. I think I even remember seeing a couple of boys playing and running with some kind of red fabric trailing behind them. It was like a wind sock or something similar. (I think the little boy had curly brown hair). We were on a cliff face which was very, very high up. Incredibly high up.

There were other houses like this all over these hills, fairly close together. I mean everywhere. It was sunny and the landscape was vast. Very beautiful. These were quite literally homes dug inside the hillside.

It was an entire community, and everyone seemed so happy! We didn’t exactly have riches, but we didn’t need riches because we were all together. It felt like that day, or just everyday in general, was a holiday or celebration of some sort. I cannot express enough how positive an environment this community was.

You would think it’d be depressing living in such a cold, dark place - a home literally carved inside the earth - but it wasn’t like that at all because of THE PEOPLE living there alongside me.

Castle Celebration


Over the years I’ve had this recurring dream. I'm standing on the balcony of a huge castle, surrounded by LOTS of people. Tons of people, shoulder-to-shoulder. It's pitch black out... and when I say that, I mean it is VERY DARK. So dark that you can't even see the people's faces when up close. It's really noisy with people talking, and we're all watching fireworks.

I remember feeling in this dream that I should be having as much fun as the people celebrating around me. Instead, I was pretending to enjoy myself, at least a little bit. I felt very... unfulfilled, I guess. Alone. Sad.

Home Again

This wasn’t a past life dream exactly, but it has connections to one. In this particular dream I was visiting the castle ruins of where I lived in a past life. It was a beautiful, sunny day and I was SO HAPPY to see the place and SO SHOCKED that I had forgotten about it.

And when I say I was visiting ruins, I mean RUINS. The 'walls' that were left were no more than a few inches tall and were a light grey color. They were almost blue they were such a light grey.

And even though everything was gone, I instantly recognized everything about the place and where everything used to be. The grass was very green, and there were concrete slabs/squares buried in the ground for tourists to walk on as this was a very hilly, HIGH area. I can't begin to describe how filled with joy I was in this dream, and how flabbergasted I was that I had forgotten all about that life.

Really, in this dream I felt so ridiculous that I had forgotten everything. Forgetting that place, and that life, felt as silly and insane as forgetting your own mother! It was just all so inconceivable to me that I could ever forget all of it. In this dream I was happy beyond words. We’re talking GIDDY with joy. It's definitely one of my favorite dreams.

Spirit Conversation


Oddly enough, I had this dream on the same night as a UFO dream. I’m not sure what time period this particular dream was set in, but my guess is somewhere around the Renaissance at least. I’m really not sure.

All I remember is standing on flat land. At least I think it was flat. It was lots of land with no structures around. Just sparse trees; saplings just starting to grow. It was very FOGGY, and I think it was early in the morning. I was speaking to this man, only he was.... well, he was dead. Lol! He was a spirit passed on that only I could see and hear. He wore the same thing that myself and others were wearing: some kind of robe with chocolate brown and blue vertical stripes. It was some kind of soft, cottony material. Fleece or something.

In the end of the dream I asked the ghost a question, but he disappeared before he could answer. As I suspected, it turned out that he was just teasing me, pretending not to be there anymore when he really was. Anyway, he laughed and then answered my question. What that question was, I have no idea.

When he left for good, I remember my dream-self thinking that I hoped this spirit wouldn't mind if I called him "Papa."

So yeah. Lol! I'm not sure why that was unless he really was my father in the dream. I do know that I knew him while he was still alive. I was just fortunate enough to be able to communicate with him after his death as well.

The Past


This dream was strange. It was the middle of the night and very dark out. Dawn must have been approaching because the sky was a pretty blue color. There wasn't a cloud in the sky either. I was in some pretty place near the water and a little wooded area. There was a huge lake surrounded by trees; weeping willows, or something similar. Also, there was a building next to me, which I think was made of stone. (It was too dark in my dream to know for sure and I only saw part of it). I think it was a small church because it had skinny stained glassed windows with pretty colors.

I was speaking to some man. I think he had short black hair. It was a quiet night, but I knew fighting... swords for sure, and maybe cannon fire. Not sure about the cannons... was going on, or about to go on from the other side of the lake. It was like the calm before the storm, and this man and I were speaking very low. We were either just acquaintances, or had just met.

When I woke up, the name "Branberry" was instantly in my head. I'm not sure that's how it's spelled, but it's how it sounded.

Father and Son


This dream seemed pretty hokey and was short and simple. It was a lot like watching a movie on a small screen. It was just seeing a family sitting outside during a picnic of sorts. They were inside a big open field, and the trees formed a line in the distance. The people I saw were a father (he was sitting in a chair), an adult son (leaning over the father as he spoke to him), and a lady. The woman was dressed like a tavern wench or something, and was on the man's right hand side, serving him a drink from a pitcher.

I received the feeling she might not have been the man's wife, but was the mother to the other male with them. And while the guy's parents weren't married, they all considered themselves each other's real family. (As in the guy's wife had nothing to do with them. Marrying her was just politics, etc.)

There was another son as well, but he wasn't with them. (He was off rescuing some lady actually. Lol!) Anyway, the premise of the dream was just a father-son moment. The father went through his whole life, secretly thinking that his sons didn't really love him as he did them.

When I woke up from the dream, all I could recall was the son telling his father that he did have a bond with him, despite hardly ever seeing him while growing up. It's all a blur, but the father - royalty of some sort - really just considered himself an artist. The son explained how he visited places like Egypt, and while there saw some murals that his father did, and how proud he was to have seen them.

Like I said, the dream is a blur but it's been so very long since I've had any interesting dreams... (well, it was interesting to me b/c these people felt kind of real; esp the father)... that I had to type it up. Having this dream, I almost felt like a voyeur listening in on a secret conversation.

Vision - 1500's?


When trying to fall asleep one night I had the image of a man inside my head. He wore really old clothing; something from the 1500's or earlier. I really don't know.

His outfit was blue, and the pants gathered up at his knees. He might have had a black belt also. He wore a blue hat with a feather in it. The hat was just made of a soft material. I can't recall the name of this kind of hat, but it had no real shape to it. I think it was like a Tam o' Shanter.

He had short black hair, a curly black mustache (I think) and was leaning his arms on the back of a big wooden cart. He seemed Italian or French? No idea.




It was a very dreary day out. Our surroundings were very drab and ugly, and our cabin was next to a lake. We were poor. I was about thirteen or fourteen years old, I suppose. My father was loading several barrels of something onto a wooden raft.

It was raining and muddy all around. I was upset and very angry that he was leaving me back there to stay in a place I loathed so much. I kept begging him to let me go with him. (He was going to come back, and wherever he was going was work-related). I was miserable.

There was an oxen nearby. My mother was standing far behind me and my sister was sort of to my side. She had dark black hair and was small. My mother had light auburn hair and had a dishtowel in her hands. The house was looming behind her.

I was very depressed in this dream. The only colors around me were drab browns and grays. On another site, someone did a few PL readings for me. One of the lives they told me about matched this one.


Reading someone did:


Very beautiful young women I see in your past life. You mentioned two past lives but I will speak of the first one.

I sense some sadness. Its images I see are amazingly similar to those I got with my friend Alexandra. I see a wooden home with fireplace in the mid USA. You were segregated from outside life. Your dad was very over protective of the family in this life. I sense that he was hiding a secret. He was in fear for his life for a misdeed that he had done. You had much resentment for him in this life and a sense of sadness due to no love. Meaning you never were allowed to get married and some feelings are left over from this. I don’t know how it is in your current life and if these feelings were passed on. But my burning sage exercise may help you if it is still a problem. Maybe not like men and don’t know why? That’s what I mean.

There is a woman named Claire and she is your mother. You and her are doing family chores together. You speak with your mother very closely. I sense a strong bond here because I see you crying on her. Oh wait I Just realized I didn’t tell you your name because they wont give me it.


Another dream:

This dream I had a very long time ago. I never wrote it down, so I can't recall all the details.

What I do remember is being with my father, outside in some field. There were covered wagons EVERYWHERE, and I think the landscape was hilly. I believe we were there day and night. We were all waiting for someone to arrive, and I remember feeling very excited for some reason. I was probably about 13 years old in this dream.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Past Life Dreams - Part 2


Dream #1:
I was standing by the door inside a dark paneled room with red carpet. A lot of dark wood molding was everywhere. One wall was all windows. Red curtains were pulled aside in sections. I could see that it was VERY dark outside. My father (same one I have in this life, although I'm not sure he looked as he does now) was standing behind his desk, silent.

His hands were set on the desk top as he looked down at some papers. About 15 businessmen, all dressed in black tuxes, were lined along the walls in a curve; from the wall of windows to the door. They were smiling down at me. I was patiently waiting to gain my father’s attention so I could ask him a question, but he was ignoring me. He was all business. I was wearing a fancy white (lacy) dress which went to my knees. My hair was long, curly and blonde. I remember thinking in the dream that I was wiser than my father. Lol! He basically ignored me and I remember thinking it was probably b/c I reminded him of my mother, who had died. I thought his behavior very childish. It didn’t bother me much though.(What's funny is that even when a little girl, I was constantly thinking about how lucky I am that I have a mother, and that she's so nice).

Dream #2
I was anywhere from 20 to my 25, I suppose. I wore a very rich looking burgundy dress. My brown hair was pulled up in a bun. I think I wore a hat, too. I had just arrived someplace. An old man, carrying a lantern and wearing a soft, fuzzy gray vest (large checkered pattern), led me up some stairs to an old attic. The stairs had no railing and were very narrow. I even remember noting the wood splinters and nails sticking out of the wall on my right. When I reached the attic, I saw many sick children. They were all lying in perfectly straight rows, wrapped tightly in white sheets. It was very quiet. I was thinking to myself that these kids had no one and what the heck have I gotten myself into?! I thought it just too sad. I remember thinking that I just couldn’t do this. Here they were, all sick and with no parents. (I think I was orphaned as well – later in age). Only two kids were up and well. They were chasing each other in front of a half-oval table set against the back wall with a lit candle set on it.

Dream #3
I was at least in my late teens and was living out in the woods, up in the hills. There were lots of pine trees surrounding me. The family I lived with were poor, but happy. I didn’t understand this at all! I was sitting underneath a tree with a kind woman. She was shelling peas out of a basket as she spoke. Her kids were chasing each other in the woods. I particularly remember seeing a dark headed boy playing in his church clothes. I told her I didn’t belong there with them. Very cheerfully, she told me – “You will!” I vividly remember her ‘knowings’ and constant cheerfulness frazzling my nerves. I didn’t believe one word that came out of her mouth. It was like I was suddenly orphaned/marooned with these people. I think I was about seventeen. I wasn’t very young.

Dream #4
This was a very short and quiet dream. No speaking was present. I was just sitting in a chair at a dressing mirror. Three ladies were standing behind me, getting me ready for some social event downstairs. They were putting on my jewelry and doing my hair. I looked up and saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked a lot like I do now, and I wore a pretty, mint green colored dress. I’m not sure if I was happy or sad in this dream. I think I was just accepting the fact that whatever I was about to do when I went down those stairs… I didn’t have much choice and supposed things could be worse.

Dream #5
This is my favorite b/c it was a very happy dream. I had to have been about 9 or 10 years old. I was in a very fancy house, which I think belonged to an uncle? I was very happy there. I had many cousins there. They were all boys and I had my hands full with them! They were real rascals and I had much trouble trying to calm their wild spirits down to an acceptable level; to a dull roar if you will. It was Christmastime and we were expecting guests. A large winding staircase was in front of me and the room I was in was very large. Huge french doors were to my left, leading to the backyard. I remember seeing a Christmas wreath hanging above an entrance that led to the next room; above the wreath was the lookout from upstairs. (There was dark wood paneling on the stairs and where the wreath was). I was speaking to a maid that worked there. She wore your typical black and white maids uniform from back then, and had blonde hair. She wore a maids cap also. I remember thinking she was very pretty and very sweet. The boys came downstairs; at least one sliding down the banister! They were all dressed up real fancy-like in the suits that go to their knees; all their outfits looked the same and they each wore black boots. I threatened to lock them outside if they misbehaved for our guests. They would just laugh and act wilder, running around the room and screaming. I ran after one of the boys that ran out to the back. It was nighttime. He was sitting on top of a garden wall, at one part where it curved/dipped, absently swinging his legs back and forth. He was laughing at me. When our guests arrived (a man and woman) I answered the door and ushered them inside myself. (I felt like I was playing 'grown up.' Lol!) There was a little Christmas tree in the entrance hall.

Dream #6
I was standing at the side of a dirt road, dressed in travelling clothes. I had a little suitcase in my hand. In the distance I could see a white house. I remember hoping that the people there would welcome me back with open arms. I was really worried about that.

Mom tells me that the way I describe the house and its surroundings... it sounds like her Granny’s old house. There were trees behind the house, which faced a huge open field. A few low bushes were near the dirt road. I was standing at the spot where the road curved. It was a small dirt road.

Dream #7
Not sure this was PL related. I think it was just a normal dream, but it was very vivid. My sister and I (same sister I have now. She looked the same as she does now, too) were at our very first fancy ball. My sister wore a yellow dress. We were sooooo overjoyed to be there. It was so exciting to us that we couldn’t stop smiling. My sister, myself and a few friends were on one of the stairs landings, looking down at the waltzing couples below. It was very hot in the room, but we were having so much fun that we didn’t care. The stairs had to have gone up four levels, and had many twists and turns. They were VERY WIDE as well. The stairs were beautifully carved and the landings had a large checkered pattern of dark and light wood. It was loud and incredibly packed at this party. And so, so miserably hot!

Dream #8
I really hate to say it, but I was male. I was on a ship. I was a businessman with a black mustache. Unmarried, but very happy. I remember walking on this ship at night. I was in a small, closed in area which led to the outside. I saw a few couples walking by; one was a woman in a very fancy, but I thought ugly, orange dress with lots of ruffles gathered at the back. (In the dream I was thinking to myself that this woman probably thinks she's 'all that' in her fancy dress with all her jewels, but that my personal opinion was that it was ugly and overdone). I think she had her fancy umbrella with her, though I can’t fathom why as it was nighttime! A little bit of water was rushing onto the little inside ‘room’ at my feet.

I don’t know that this was the Titanic, as no one was panicky. (I had this dream long before the movie Titanic came out, btw). It was very dark out, but I remember wondering why there was water coming onto the deck. I think the floor of the deck I was on was an orange or brown color.

Then I remember having a business meeting with some people during the day. I don’t know if we were near a white sandy beach, or if the sun was just really beaming down on the white ship deck. It was VERY bright out and hard to see. I remember thinking that I couldn’t wait for this boring meeting and the superficial chit-chat to end. I THINK we were bound for Italy? If so, this wasn't the Titanic.

Dream #9
I'm pretty sure I was male in this dream. (I think it's related to the dream above). I was walking along the beach at night. It was a dark, starry night. I could see a fancy white hotel off in the distance that was sitting right on the beach. It was very beautiful and very big. No other sign of civilization was nearby. It reminds me a lot of the Hotel Coronado in California. It was a white hotel with red roofs. I was walking along this beach. A few men were walking together nearby, just ahead of me. In the water we saw a ship that was on fire. It looked like a smaller version of a big ship. I saw people screaming. I remember one lady jumping in the water to swim to shore. She had straight, black hair; or it could just be that it was wet. This ship was very near to the shoreline. The men walking ahead of me wanted no part in helping these people, so they ran to the hotel! I was appalled at their behavior. Just as I was going to help them, the dream ended.

Dream #10
I was dressed in a fancy Victorian dress, walking near the water. I think it was Venice? All of a sudden I hear a lot of people shouting. People in the gondolas are very angry about something. They start throwing things off the boats and the people on the streets are freaking out. I was confused and didn't want any part of it - afraid of getting hurt - so I quickly ran to hide in some corner of a building.

Dream #11
Pretty simple dream. I was looking at the open sea with a LONG dock crowded with people standing in long lines. They were all dressed in Victorian style clothing and the women had parasols with them. Steamboats were moving towards the dock.

Dream #12
I dreamed once of seeing the Titanic underwater. Oddly enough, it was a pretty peaceful dream. I saw one of the outside hallways, and the light filtering in was a serene blue. It was also completely silent save that 'roaring' type sound of being underwater.


Reading someone did, which matches a few of my dreams:

Your next life you are just as beautiful. This is some place in Italy. I’m judging this due to your house. It’s huge girl!!! I see you as a 22-24 year old girl Laraine? Loraine… Something like that.

Your family has a sense an authority. It seems your dad is some sort of an official in the country. The times seems Victorian to me.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Titanic / Genealogy



The following is a vision which just popped into my head one evening...

Oddly enough, this happened on April 14th. It wasn't until years later that I discovered April 14th was the day the Titanic sank. (And this vision happened YEARS before the movie came out. I'm not a Titanic history buff either).

It was like seeing a scene from a movie. I saw a man, probably in his early thirties, wearing a suit. There were two young boys with him. They were in a hallway which had silver tea carts lined up against the wall with teapots and fancy pastries. Maids would walk past them, as well as people dressed in Victorian clothing. It was very crowded and busy, despite the fact that this hallway and the surrounding area (more halls) were a "backstage area" if you will. The man conversed with the little boys almost the same as he would speak to an adult. (Like he saw the boys as equals and while he knew they were still young, he wasn’t going to ‘talk down’ to them). He spoke to the youngest boy the most, who was your typical happy child. Very imaginative I think, too. I seem to remember dark brown curly hair. The other boy with him was a little older and much quieter. I think the kids’ suits were a light shade of blue? (Their suits went to their knees, I think).

And that was it. Just these three people conversing in a hallway, then walking and still talking to one another through another crowded, very busy hall.

For two days this vision (or whatever you want to call it) bugged me. It felt so very REAL, which prompted me to think that perhaps I was remembering a scene from an actual movie. I cannot begin to express how real this all felt. I’m not sure it was past life related, but I suppose it could be a possibility. It was strange b/c this was only the second ‘vision’ I had ever had. It just blindsided me. It just popped into my head out of nowhere, about one minute after turning out the light to go to bed.


My mother just told me something interesting. When I was a toddler, she says I went beyond disliking baths. It was as if baths were sheer torture and I was deathly afraid of them. She said that out of all the babies she's ever raised or babysat, never had she encountered screams like that. It got to the point where she finally just gave me sponge baths on the bed. Lol!

So now I'm thinking maybe that's Titanic related? (Or just any sunken ship really. I only say Titanic b/c of the coincidence mentioned earlier, about the date). I don't really have a fear of water these days though.




Victorian Past Life?

Below is an excerpt from my mother's genealogy files. My mother told me about this. Maybe there is a connection here b/w my ancestors and a possible past life of mine? I'm the first to admit though that this is grasping at straws. I had to include it here though b/c it was fun to read:


The plantation was in Monroe County, Mississippi. The third county down from the Tennessee line. The Tombiggbee River ran through their plantation. He said he and his two younger brothers and some of the little slave boys used to slip off and go fishing down to the river on Sunday afternoons. One time they caught a lot of fish, took them to the house and all of them got hard spankings for fishing on Sunday and he said they ate the fish. He never thought that was right.

His daddy made all the German boys (Note: 'German' was my grandmother's family's last name) help the slaves with the work; around the house, at the barn and in the fields.

The Plantation House was a big two-story white house with big rooms and a winding stairway. The parlor was huge. They used to give weekend dances. People would gather Friday P.M. and stay until Sunday morning. The children had to stay upstairs while the dances were going on and they would peep down through the banisters and watch the people dance. One night one of the girls lost her bustle while dancing. Said it rolled all across the floor. He always laughed when he told that. He was a good storyteller. They only had sixteen grown slaves and some children. He didn't have an overseer over his slaves. They went and came as they wanted to - to the fields....

Their slave cook was named Sally. Some slaves followed along behind the wagons and came all the way to Texas with them.

The kitchen was built far away from the main plantation house. Across one side of the kitchen was a nursery for the slave babies. Granddaddy and his two younger brothers had to take care of them.


The description of the house and all the parties my great-great-great grandfather always held match a few of my PL dreams. Also, in that one dream I was no longer rich and was orphaned with strangers; although nice strangers. I didn't feel like I fit in with them. Could this have been after the civil war? My ancestors did go from being high society to destitute after the war.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Misc. Paranormal Happenings & Dreams


This happening simply has me baffled. My mother and I saw the same exact thing, only in different locations and at the same time.

In my backyard I saw a sort of 'door.' It hovered about 4 inches above the ground, had rounded corners and was filled with a dense white fog. I couldn't even see the mid section of the tree because this 'door' blocked it from my view.

I brushed it off as imagination (bad habit of mine), since I had only seen it in the corner of my eye and... foolishly... didn't hasten to look at it head-on. Hours later I told my mother and sister about it. They both looked at each other in disbelief. They told me that they had seen the exact same thing while driving down the road; less than a minute away from the house. The 'door' they saw was floating above a neighborhood entrance sign. My mother saw it head-on for several seconds. I often wonder if that really was a portal, and that perhaps that's the reason I got such clear evp's for a time there.


Patrick is the only spirit I’ve seen head-on. Other than him, I’ve only seen two other spirits. Both experiences happened during the day and weren’t frightening at all. One was the silhouette of a man (wearing a strange hat with a large bill; like a Railroad hat) in my sister's sun room. It was during my nephew's 3rd (?) birthday party. The french doors to the sun room were closed, and I saw the shadow of a man walking in that room, heading toward the laundry room where my sister's dog was being kept during the party.

The second one was at my sister's house, too. (This is a different house). I spent a week in Austin, taking care of the kids while my sister was working. The day I was to leave, I woke up early to get dressed. When I finished getting ready, the kids were still asleep in the guest room so I sat in there with them again. A couple minutes later, on the other side of my sister's closed french doors, I saw the silhouette/shadow of a little girl walking toward the front door.

I discovered years later that my sister DID have the spirit of a little girl in her house. She was a student at my sister's school who had died, and who lived across the street from my sister. My sister (and a few other members in my family) do have psychic abilities and my sister communicates with spirits a lot; especially through her dreams. It turns out that this little girl hung out at their house for quite some time. I do think my sister has helped her move on to the Other Side since. (She was really starting to interfere with my sister's sleep schedule. Lol! My sister told her they needed to set up a few ground rules. Either she respects she and her family, or she needed to move on. About a week later, when my sister and her kids were cooking supper after school together, they ALL heard a little girl laugh and say - "Buh-Bye!" A few nights later, her husband saw the little girl standing at the end of the bed. Her husband isn't a fan of the paranormal, by the way. But my sister got the feeling that she was just telling him goodbye as well).


Other Dreams -

Healing Waters

I dreamed once about a place where people go to who had died from drawn-out, debilitating diseases. (They might have even been people with diseases on earth and they were astral traveling to those waters to aid in their healing). At least that’s the feeling I received.

There was a creek with LOTS of people - young and old - in it, smiling and having fun. I knew that the water was healing them. There was a Victorian house kind of nearby, too, but I mainly remember the creek.


Little Boy

This is one that has always puzzled me. I dreamed this years ago, around the time I was having my possible past lives dreams. (Though this dream was NOT PL related).

I was at my Grandma’s old house, the one she lived in when I was little. (We lived in the same neighborhood). I walked out the front door to go to the car and leave. When I was next to the driveway, a little boy around 5 years old ran up to me and clung to me for dear life. He begged and pleaded for me to stay there with him. He was crying crocodile tears; as if his world was going to come to an end if I left. I was shocked b/c I had absolutely no idea that this boy was so attached to me, and I was upset b/c I really wanted to go… but how could I when he was crying so deeply for me to stay?

This is the strange part:
I was dressed in modern clothes and my surroundings were modern, yet the boy’s clothes weren’t. He wore little pants that went to his knees, a brown coat, hat and buttoned boots.

Turns out that in real life, my Grandma’s old neighbors were German and they used to have a little boy who died when he was four or five years old. Poor thing had a hole in his heart. Mom even said he used to wear the type of clothing I described the boy in my dream as wearing.


Happiest Place On Earth

I had a recurring dream right before Christmas. I was with Mom inside some really fancy place, yet part of it was still under construction. In particular I remember a white fireplace (not painted yet) in a room still filled with dust from construction. Some lady is walking ahead of us, leading us somewhere. She opens these big doors (nothing fancy at all), and I realize with SHOCK that I’m on the balcony of Cinderella’s castle at WDW.

Well, come Christmas morning I was watching the WDW Christmas Parade on tv when – lo and behold – they’re showing a clip of an actual SUITE being built inside Cinderella’s castle.

Click HERE for pics


The Other Side
This dream was me and my father on The Other Side. My father was newly arrived and in total awe that he was there. He was almost 'out of it' because he was in such shock.

I remember it being very sunny and showing him these thatched-roof cottages where he would be staying. It was a really cozy, comforting and pretty place. However, all this time all I could think about was leaving my father to go to where I wanted to be. I remember thinking that tending to Dad's arrival was my "duty" and that I could not wait to get back to somebody. (I don't know who I was so anxious to return to, but I now think it was Patrick). I also don't know if this dream was a memory or the future. I don't know if I was there before my father, or if we arrived together. All I know is it was very familiar territory to me and I was beyond elated to be back. I was definitely HOME.


Grandma Kept Her Word

This is a dream my uncle had.

My grandmother was A DOG FREAK! I mean, this woman would take me on little tours of where each of her dogs were buried in the backyard. She allowed her dogs to have TWO of those miniature Baby Ruth Candy bars a day, yet my sister and I were only allowed one. Lol! She always told us that her job up in Heaven was going to be taking care of animals, and I believe that she is.

After my sweet Bambi passed, my uncle out in California told us about a dream he had had. He saw my grandmother (his mother) inside some fancy room. Along the walls were tiny wooden beds all lined up. The little headboards had names on them. He laughed when he told us that it reminded him of the beds the Seven Dwarfs slept in from Disney's Snow White. Lol! Grandma kept calling Bambi's name, and after a few seconds he saw Bambi leap onto one of the little beds, wagging her tail and smiling. He said he'd never seen a happier dog.

And my uncle knew absolutely nothing about her wish to have her job on The Other Side be taking care of animals. She's only told my mother, so his dream was proof to us that Grandma was communicating with him AND that our Bambi was being looked after.


Dream About A Spirit

I was in my bed, and there at the end of the bed is a male spirit sort of hovering. He had short black hair and there was an aura with VIVID COLORS surrounding him. Gold, orange, red, etc. Very vivid and bright. Incredibly vivid. In this dream he kept asking me if I loved him. But the entire time, when I answered that – “Yes, I love you. You know that” – I knew the whole time that I was basically humoring him; saying that just so that he would leave. He kept asking me – over and over again – if I really loved him. It was bordering on pestering even.

This spirit was definitely not Patrick.

Not because of the black hair, but b/c when Patrick comes to me in my dreams (even in disguise) the EMOTIONS coming from both sides are equal and very strong, and in this dream my feelings vs this spirit’s feelings were in no way equal. Also, Patrick never speaks in my dreams. He communicates more telepathically. And besides.... these days I pretty much instantly recognize Patrick in a dream. His energy and our feelings are always the same. On my side, I'm either petrified of him or so madly in love I'd give my life for him.

I didn’t receive a guardian angel/spirit guide vibe with this spirit either. (They wouldn't ask a question like that anyway). I don’t know if this dream was a visitation, a nothing dream, or a dream echoing something in my waking life. I have absolutely no idea. It was just strange. I’ve dreamt about spirits before, but this was different. Very out of the ordinary. I really didn't receive a very good vibe with this dream. Not horrible, but annoying.

* Update *
Found this in a dream dictionary:
To see an aura around you or someone else, suggests that some important information is being relayed to you in the dream and you need to pay close attention to the message. You need to draw on this energy for strength.


Like Spinning in the Teacups at Disney

I don't know what to think, but I had a really strange experience last night. I was in my bedroom on my laptop, working on transferring one of my old dream blogs to another. After a while I thought I'd do something out of the ordinary and make myself a hot cup of cappuccino even though it was getting late. So here it is around 10 pm, and I'm downstairs in the kitchen. I was afraid of the kitchen light waking my father upstairs, so I just used a small flashlight to see by. After boiling the water for a small bit, I take a spoon from the drawer on the other side of where I'd been standing. INSTANTLY, I feel a rush of dizziness. I thought that was weird, but ignored it because it was immediately gone once I returned to the stove.

After setting the spoon down, waiting for the water to boil already, I start pacing the kitchen. No joke, but the very second I was in the center of the kitchen the dizziness returned with A PUNCH. I mean it was so incredibly strong and like nothing I'd ever felt before. In the middle of trying to get through the dizziness, I realize that the second I stepped just an inch away from the center of the room... the dizziness was gone immediately. I started seeing a pattern here, so I stepped back to where I felt dizzy... and it happened again. I go to my mother's room to tell her about all this. I wanted to know if she felt the same thing, so she goes in there and confirms everything. She felt the same thing in the exact spot, and it would go away the very first second she stepped away. The only difference is I felt incredibly dizzy - I mean major - in that spot while Mom felt a lot of sinus pressure and a little nausea.

While talking to her in the kitchen, I step closer to her. I wasn't really thinking about feeling it again, but THE SECOND that I stepped just on the edge of that specific area, that wave of dizziness struck full force. (And all which touched that area that time were my toes! Not even a whole foot. Lol!) I stepped away, and.... gone immediately. I was a little lightheaded this time around, but nothing at all like before.

Fastforward to about a minute later, and I test it again. This time I didn't feel it in my head at all. No dizziness, but from my feet up to right below my knees I felt like I was walking on air. It was a very floaty feeling, but only in my legs. I was a little light headed still, but it was hardly noticeable.

By the way, when all this was happening my mother got out Dad's K2 meter. (Which hadn't even occurred to me). It never flashed a reading in that area, and remember that the light wasn't even on. The only place it flashed at all was around the ice maker to the freezer and the wall behind the stove. I never felt anything near the stove, and that freezer I lean up against several times a day to fill the dogs' water dish with the refrigerator water. I've lived here 6 years and not once have I ever felt dizzy like that in the kitchen or near the fridge.

So what the heck could this have been? My first instinct was high EMF, but I can't rationalize that theory. (Because of what I just wrote above). I even looked up information online about symptoms of carbon monoxide and radon poisoning. Do you think it could possibly be a spirit? My mother did feel a fingernail run itself across her leg the other night, and last night she felt the same thing across her foot while we were in the kitchen. Nothing else out of the ordinary happened.

Now, I did have a dream about Grandma a day or two ago but I don’t think this is related to her.
